Dick, Fred, Stella, Frank, Stuart, Bernard and Rich
Day started with snow and hail, ended up being blue sky.
The old road from Eaves to Lumb Bank has always been squishy, but the heavy rains in December washed down all the leaves from the wood above making a 6 inch layer of mulch on the path - impassable unless you were wearing wellington boots!
We scraped about 300 metres, discovering several turnbys (cross drains) which needed digging out.
Unfortunately we couldn't locate the owners of the woods below so we had to pile up the mulch on the edge of the path, fingers crossed it stays there.
Day started with snow and hail, ended up being blue sky.
The old road from Eaves to Lumb Bank has always been squishy, but the heavy rains in December washed down all the leaves from the wood above making a 6 inch layer of mulch on the path - impassable unless you were wearing wellington boots!
We scraped about 300 metres, discovering several turnbys (cross drains) which needed digging out.
Unfortunately we couldn't locate the owners of the woods below so we had to pile up the mulch on the edge of the path, fingers crossed it stays there.
One stretch of the path after clearance and discovery of a turnby
Another stretch, still a bit muddy, but easily passable with boots
Synchronised azading (an olympic sport)
Meanwhile, back at the base, Dave was making pointed pegs
which we use for revetment and steps