Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Dark Lane and up Sowerby Lane Mytholmroyd

Two teams
Location : Dark Lane, Mytholmroyd,
CROWS : Dave, Dick and Terry
Task : Repair gate on footpath

Location : up the top of Sowerby Lane,
CROWS : Fred, Stella, Lynda, Richard P and Ginny

As you can see the original gate was in a state of disrepair and needed to be taken off and replaced with one that Dick had 'found' earlier.

Dave, being the apprentice, set to work screwing on the hinges to the new gate whilst Dick, the manager, handed out the screws.

Dave, the apprentice, then had to remove the old gate and hinges from the old posts which needed some attention. Dick, the manager, supervised....................are you getting the the gist of this?

Dave, again, this time screwing the old catch onto a block of wood, cut from the old gate. Yes, you guessed it, by Dave.

Dave then removed the old hinges from the posts.

Here is the new gate in situ.

Dave, taking an well earned break.

A close-up of the recycled catch.

Close up of the recycled spring.

Second team wewre on clearing a number of paths of Sowerby Lane that had become overgrown.

 First path overgrown with balsam and brambles

 After clearing the undergrowth

The next path was a Calderdale Way Link path - almost impassable with undergrowth and trees across the path
 The path choked with undergrowth

After the path was cleared (hopefully the stone surface will become less slippery as it dries out)