Friday, 17 January 2025

TODMORDEN - Todmorden Moor - Session 5

Today was (hopefully!) our last full session on Todmorden Moor. After two glorious days earlier in the week, the team of Mick, RJ, Catherine and Kasher were faced with low cloud and residual patches of snow on this sodden and somewhat bleak moorland.

After retrieving the timbers which we had stashed on the moor before Christmas, we fettled-up the remaining boardwalks on Tod 073 and Tod 076. The boardwalks are now on a new(ish) route which avoids the boggiest of areas but is still close to the path-line on the definitive map. At first glance their positioning may look strange, but it will direct walkers and runners safely across this very wet moor . . . but be alert - over time boggy areas can shift and deepen!

All the boardwalks  have now received the' staple' treatment so they are less slippery than the previous ones.

We have one minor task to complete (the fitting of a kickboard) before moving on to re-visit the Geology Trail to sort out some bridges . . .  and more boardwalks!

Today's work has been funded by Reaps Moss wind farm. Many thanks.

Boardwalks have been built and repaired on Tod 073 and Tod 076.

Mick dismantling an old boardwalk.

Catherine working out what to do with a saw . . . !

A dry area for tools and equipment.

Catherine's favourite job . . . adding staples
to boardwalks!

RJ and Mick getting to grips with stapling (!)

Not the driest or warmest place for lunch.

Catherine, Mick and Richard at the end of the day..

TODMORDEN -The Fielden Trail

Todmorden Town Council have kindly awarded CROWS a Ward Forum grant to survey and improve the way marking and information provision on the Fielden Trail, a route devised a number of years ago by Jim Jarrett.

This 20 mile route around Todmorden links together many of the places associated with the Fielden family. You may be lucky enough to have a copy of the booklet giving details of this trail but, if not, full details can be found on :

RJ and Kasher chose a beautiful sunny day to survey and improve the way marking on the paths along the first section of this route from Todmorden town hall to Frieldhurst Road in Cornholme.

We have identified a number of issues which CROWS will tackle over the coming weeks.

Marker post needed at the end of Hollins Road.

Erosion problems but we may be able to create 
 step or two.

Way markers being added by RJ.

The Fielden Trail goes past Springs.

RJ checking the route above Hudson Bridge.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

TODMORDEN - Todmorden Moor

The brand-new leaflet giving details of the Todmorden Moor Geology Trail has just been printed.

This leaflet, produced by CROWS, is updated from the original produced by Todmorden Moor Restoration Trust and West Yorkshire Geology Trust.

These leaflets will soon be on sale in Todmorden TIC and Hebden Bridge Town Hall etc. The leaflet contains a map of the walk (~5.5 km) over the moors between Tower Causeway and the Bacup Road, and gives details of the history and geology of this fascinating area. It is an interesting walk with stunning views - best appreciated in fine weather!

The trail is clearly waymarked with white-topped posts which are much favoured by the moorland cattle as scratching posts! Mmm! There are also a number of large noticeboards along the route which will give you detailed information at specific points of interest. Enjoy!

The funding for this leaflet and for improvements to the trail has been provided by Reaps Moss Wind Farm. Many thanks. 

(Information about this walk is also available on the 'Heart of the Pennines' website).

RYBURN - Kebroyd

After a week of cancelling work parties because of the weather, a team of Jerry, Linda, Clare, Ginny, Angus and Rich were ready to deal with three fallen trees, a drainage problem, step clearing and cutting back. Today's work was funded by Calderdale Highways.


The details

The steps at the bottom of the path were covered in mulch, encroaching vegetation and an overhead  tree in danger of dropping. A team of four cleared everything (including most of the ice on the steps).

Linda and Rich went to deal with a drainage issue under some collapsed tree branches. We failed to find the source of the water so decided to channel it across the path

Digging out the channel

Jerry came along to remove the fallen branches and the original route was reinstated. 

Tree removed, water directed off the path and all mulch cleared away.

We had thought to go and clear the old stone steps up to Clap Gate Lane but decided it would be an easier task after the ice had melted!


Then it was on to the third tree issue - a very large branch adrift from a beech tree. 


Mmm! Precarious!

Situations like this are tricky as the direction in which the branch falls can be unpredictable. 

The hanging length has been gradually shortened . . . 

. . .  so finally the main section can be chainsawed to join the pile. Phew!

Friday, 3 January 2025


 The select team out from Todmorden today (aka Gareth and Kasher) tackled a variety of outstanding jobs:

1    Reinstating the recently repaired and treated Langfield Common sign at the end of Tod 179, near to London Road.

2    Measuring up a stile at the end of Tod 036. This stile will need to be repaired or replaced in the near future.

3    Re-erecting the fingerpost at the end of Tod 179.

4    Re-erecting the fingerpost at the end of Tod 102 near Melling Clough.

Today's work has been funded by the Upper Stoodley Residents' Association and by individual members of the  public. Many thanks for your support which helps to keep Upper Calder Valley footpaths and bridleways open and in good repair.

Fingerpost repairs along the Bacup Road near Melling Clough.

Tasks 1-3 completed in this area.

Sign original location (London Road) under
the watchful eye of Stoodley Pike!

Gareth digging holes for the posts of the Langfield Common sign.

Attaching the Langfield Common sign to the posts.

Refurbished sign now in place. The request is clear! 

Replacing the fingerpost at the end of Tod 179.

Gareth checking fingerpost alignment at the
end of Tod 102 towards Melling Clough.