Friday 9 March 2018


Mick, Linda, Ruth and Bernard worked at Penny Lane, Ashenhurst.  The third time we have worked on drainage on this very muddy path and finally it is near perfect!  Unfortunately no photos.

Gerald, Ken and Ginny returned to Cornholme, where we deepened a drainage channel 3 weeks ago and were pleased to see that all the water which had been running down the hillside has now dried up. We then deepened a channel further down, which should prevent it overflowing in future.

Looking much better now.

Further up the hillside there was a choice of muddy paths with occasional causey stones.

First we excavated a whole row that had been buried and then we worked at resetting the ones that sat at an angle.  Even a large one that had slipped out of line was tackled by a bit of excellent team work.

And now there is a new causey path across the hillside and Gerald is anxious to get back for more archaeology.